What Our Athletes Are Saying
“You have equipment on the floor in front of you, your coach yells “10 seconds,” and the countdown begins. Describe the feeling and a situation in life where you had that same feeling.”
We posed this scenario to our members to see what they’d say. Here’s how they responded:
“Adrenaline rush. I felt it many times during softball - at the plate, on the pitcher’s mound, in the field, and on the bases. One specific time I felt the rush was when a passed ball escaped the catcher while I was on third base and I stole home. Watching the catcher tossing the ball to the pitcher for the tag as my foot snuck in just seconds under the tag. It was a matter of seconds, but the rush - nothing better than that.” - Trish T.
“That feeling at an Irish dance competition, counting down with the music before you take off dancing. Exhilarating and terror.” - Jeanne H.
“Anticipation. Adrenaline dump. My skin tingles and my heart rate increases. I can’t recall another situation where I felt exactly this way.” - Sarah M.
“Dog grooming competition. The countdown of the clock before you can pick up your shears and start grooming away. You hear that beep and no one else exists but you and the dog.” - Christie K.
“Nervous anticipation and excitement. It feels like the first day starting a job at a new company. I’ve done the job before, just doing it for a different company. It’s the same but different. It’s a fresh start, what I did yesterday doesn’t matter, but what I’m about to do matters.” - Jon T.
“My head is going a hundred miles an hour, heart pounding, focused as hell. It reminds me of standing off stage waiting to go on and sing a solo in front of hundreds of people when I was about 13.” - Morgan S.
“When it’s my turn to order and I haven’t made up my mind yet with other people waiting for me.” - Dan L.
Comment below with your own thoughts and feelings and how it compares to something else in life when you hear “10 seconds.”