BTSCF Newsletter - August 2020
It seems like the summer had just started and now in the blink of an eye the Fall a new school year is upon us. Time keeps moving forward. Focus and commitment is required to keep moving forward with it. Check out what is going on at BTSCF this month!
Back to School…Back to Fitness
Thinking of starting your fitness journey with CrossFit? Check out this Back to School offer.
Welcome, Frank!
New BTSCF Trainer, Frank Speranza with his wife, Melanie.
We are pleased to announce that our training staff has expanded once again with the addition of Frank Speranza. Frank comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience as a CF-L2 and CF Aerobic Capacity certification.
Come check out one of Frank’s morning classes to have some fun and get a great workout!
Honing The Skills
Each Sunday at 10:45 am we have been offering a class dedicated to a specific skill that we encounter during our workouts. We’ve covered rowing, biking, jump roping, deadlifts, rope climbs, overhead squats and snatches. These classes have been a lot of fun and give you the opportunity to break down the movements and learn new ways to improve your performance. Interested in attending a class to improve your skills? Just sign up in Zen Planner and come have some fun!
Upcoming Skills Classes include:
9/13 - Hand Stand Push-Ups
9/20 - Front Squats
9/27 - Toes to Bar
10/4 - Back Squats
10/11 - Running
August PR’s
As everyone is getting back into the swing of things, we are seeing more PR’s hit the board again. Keep up the great work!
Caitlyn - 9:39 Mile Run
Victor - Rx Toes to Bar
Addy - 230 lb. Clean
Brennan - 6 Unbroken Toes to Bar in Workout
Dee - 5 second Rope Climb, 130 lb. Power Clean
Walt - 160 lb. Snatch, 235 lb. Power Clean
Jess F. - 295 lb. Deadlift
Max - 325 lb. Deadlift
Jon T. - 78 Unbroken Double Unders
Melissa - Jumped over the barbell, 115 lb. Hang Power Clean, 75 lb. Snatch, 75 lb. Overhead Squat, 95 lb. Cluster
Kristine - 140 lb. Deadlift, 63 lb. Hang Power Clean
Cathy - 205 lb. x 5 Deadlift
Coach’s Picks
As we move toward the end of Summer, we are heading to BTSCF Trainer, Erin Schoeberl’s favorite time of year, the Fall! Here are her top picks for all things Fall.
Spirit of the Games
Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte. I know, one would probably expect this to be higher up the list. It is tasty and it does instantly make you want to dig out the sweaters and boots. HOWEVER, the reality is that although it SCREAMS Fall, it’s also super unhealthy and full of sugar. Womp.
Dark Horse
Pumpkin Ale. Some of them are absolutely gross and taste like dirty pumpkin water. Some are delicious. This is an absolute hit or miss. Just about every beer company has jumped on the Pumpkin Ale bandwagon. My recommendation is Pumpkinator by Saint Arnold Brewing Company.
Podium Picks
3rd Place - Haunted Houses. We have some GREAT haunted attractions in the area. There are two options here- Staged attractions like The Headless Horseman in Ulster Park: This is by far the best although it’s a bit of a hike. Nothing gets you quite in the mood for Fall like almost peeing your pants while being chased by a zombie with a chainsaw. Actually haunted places are fun to check out anytime (if you’re not a sissy). Locally there are TONS and Milford has plenty of supposedly haunted spots. The Dimmick Inn has been reported to be one of the most actively haunted locations in PA. Laurel Grove Cemetery in PJ also has many reports of hauntings.
2nd Place - Fall clothes. Boots, sweaters, hoodies, scarves? YES. NOW. PLEASE. Nothing is better than fall clothes. The possibilities are endless. Super comfortable but also super fun.
1st Place - Fall Weather. 65 during the day, 45 at night. Not too cold, not too warm. PERFECTION. Unlike the demon heat we had all summer where you could feel your body dehydrating and shriveling up with every rep, working out in the fall is actually delightful too.
BTSCF Feature Athlete
Meet Darci Rosencrance: Get Busy Living
When did you start CrossFitting?
August 21, 2017 at BTSCF
What brought you to CrossFit?
I knew I needed to do something for myself. I worked from home and didn't get much activity except some outdoor volleyball in the summer. Had a $10 gym membership that I never used. My body just ached most of the time and I knew I was at a crossroad. I remember saying to myself a quote from a movie "Get busy Living" or "Get busy Dying". I don't mean that in any crazy way, I just knew the path I was heading down was too short and I needed to do something. BTSCF had opened up nearby and my sister, an avid crossfitter, had talked about her crossfit experience for a few years and I thought maybe that would work. It took me a bit of time just to get the nerve up to reach out. I sent Mike an email and I could tell this was going to be different, I tried my free classes and was hooked. I joined the 515am class because I know if I don't get it done first thing, I will find many excuses not to do it at the end of the day. Everyone was welcoming and supportive, Ok when I say everyone, we would have 3 to 5 people max back then. I would always be last but I was ok with that and I felt great. That was 3 years ago.
What have you learned from doing CrossFit?
I've learned to listen to my body. I want to push myself but not injure myself and only I can make that judgement. I also know that what I eat does make a difference in my workout and overtime I have improved my food choices but I still have some things to work on but it is all going in the right direction.
What would you say to someone who is on the fence about starting CrossFit?
Just try it, anything can be scaled and you will know if it is for you. Most people get hooked. One of my younger sisters in Albany just gave it a try recently...she's hooked now too. I so look forward to seeing her amaze herself with her accomplishments.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Pickleball and I like call of duty, yes I said it...gaming.
What do you do for work and how has CrossFit impacted how you do your job?
I am on the computer and phone almost all day long. Crossfit has given me more energy each day but also I find I am more focused than before.
One of the most awesome things about Darci is that every early morning 5:15 class, she is always cheerful and ready to take on any challenge that lies ahead. She continually stays committed to the process, advancing her skills and taking small improvements as wins as she moves forward in building her health and longevity. We are thrilled to have Darci as part of the Burn the Ships community. - Heather Simmons, BTSCF Owner
We asked Darci some lightning round questions. Here’s what she had to say:
Q: What super power would you give yourself?
A: I’d love to be able to fly.
Q: What’s your favorite healthy food?
A: Sweet potatoes and avocado.
Q: What’s your favorite not so healthy food?
A: Ice Cream.
Q: What TV sitcom family or group would you be a member of?
A: Modern Family.
Q: If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
A: Karaoke rockstar! Haha.
Q: If you could write your own fortune cookie fortune, what would it say?
A: Embrace each day of your journey.
Q: If you were a professional wrestler, what would your finishing move be called?
Q: Who do you look up to for inspiration at BTSCF?
A: Inspiration to me is someone that makes you want to be better. Melissa Newhauser is my 515 motivator. She is always there, on those mornings that you wake up and just want to keep hitting the snooze, I know she would hold me accountable. She encourages when I need it and I know she would call me out if I slacked off. I appreciate her honesty and her friendship.
Q: What is your favorite and least favorite movement?
A: I like the bike, I know that’s crazy. Least favorite is running, although I’m not sure what I do is really running.
Q: What is the one thing you’ve done at BTSCF that your old self wouldn’t ever believe?
A: Not at BTSCF, but because of the confidence attained through BTS, last year I did a Muddy Princess 5K Obstacle Course. That was a HUGE achievement for myself. I was signed up for another but that got a little derailed this year, so maybe next year.