Ten Questions with Jon Heyer - RPM 10K Challenge

In 2021, BTSCF Trainer Jon Heyer took on the RPM 10K Challenge. With 2022 version coming up soon, we asked Jon ten questions about the challenge and his experience.

1.    What is the RPM 10K Challenge?

In its most basic form, it’s an online challenge for 10,000 Double Unders. If you dive a little deeper, it’s a fundraiser for the Iron Compass Initiative, which provides at risk youths with equipment and functional fitness training. 

2.    Do they all have to be double unders?

Surprisingly no. You can track Single Unders as well. 

3.    What was your biggest take away from doing the 10K Challenge last year?

Ten thousand is a lot of work, however it gives you the experience necessary to put it all together. The more time you focus on one movement the more it pays off.  

4.    Who should do the RPM 10K Challenge?

Ummmm, why not everybody?! Double under masters, novices or newbies. It’s fitness and fun for a good cause. 

5.    Do you get anything for completing the challenge?

Yes, there is a completion box for finishing full of little goodies and discount codes. 

6.    10,000 jumps in 30 days!  How do you fit it all in?

A lot of weekend work. I was putting in the work during the week before workouts but during the weekend I would have days up to 1200. 

 7.    Do they all have to be done at the gym?

No way! Bring your rope home and jump away. RPM posts wods during the weeks to do that specifically and help you rack up more dubs. 

8.    When does it start?

Signup is open on now but the challenge takes place January 3 - February 2, 2022.

9.    How much does it cost?

It’s a minimum of $20 to signup but you can donate more to help support the iron compass. 

10.    OK, I want to do it, how do I sign up?

Go to rpmtraining.com, hit the drop down and look for 10k. Go now!


December 2021 Holiday Schedule


4th Annual BTSCF Food Drive