BTSCF Newsletter - December 2021
The end of 2021 is upon us and there is so much to look forward to in 2022. This year was a busy one and December was possibly the most jam packed. We hope that looking back at this year, everyone was able to accomplish some of their own wins. Maybe it was showing up at the gym for the first time, perhaps it was showing up more consistently. Your win could have been to eat better, or it could have been a new PR. Whatever your win was, congratulations. Whatever your wins will be in 2022, we stand by ready to help support you on your journey. As we say goodbye to 2021 and welcome 2022, we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. While you’re waiting for that countdown to midnight, check out December at BTSCF.
So Many Items, So Many Meters
We asked and you came through. Last year we collected 600 shelf stable food items for the Holy Trinity Food Pantry in Dingman’s Ferry, PA. This year you helped us blow that number out of the water and we collected 804 items. As we’ve done in the past, your coaches paid for those donations with their sweat. We were originally going to row 30 meters for every item donated which would have amounted to 24,120 meters. Since we were doing this in teams and round numbers are fun, a last minute adjustment was made and we went with 30,000 meters!
One Last Shindig
It was great to see everyone and thank you for coming to hang out with us at our final party in our Milford location to celebrate the holidays. The assortment of food was great, and the white elephant gift exchange was a hit, especially for those of us who were immortalized with their picture on a pillow. It was so much fun to hang out and relax. It may have our last party at our old location, but there will be many more to look forward to in the new gym space.
It’s Official, We are in Port Jervis, NY Now
Long hours, a lot of sweat, a little blood, trailers, box trucks, and a great community of volunteers! That’s how you get thousands of pounds of equipment from one gym to another location.
We started working on the new gym space in early December, announced the big news on December 12th, and had everything set to move in by the end of the month.
We are so happy and grateful to be in our new space at 74 Fowler Street in Port Jervis, NY! As of December 31, 2021, all classes will be held in the new location.
RPM 10K Challenge
Your last chance to sign up for the RPM 10K Challenge is now! The 30 Days to 10K Jumps starts on January 3rd. This is a great opportunity to help a charitable initiative and get a lot of jump rope practice in. Whether you do Single Unders or Double Under, the goal is to jump, have fun, and get more comfortable with a rope. Sign up here!
BTSCF Feature….Athlete??
Meet 74 Fowler Street
The 4:30pm class breaking in the new space at 74 Fowler St. Kettlebell Swings and Lunges were a simple and great way to kick start the classes.
OK, we get it, the new gym location isn’t an athlete, but we are celebrating this week and everything that went into being able to move into our new home, so here you go…
When did you start CrossFitting?
I started at 4:30pm on December 30, 2021 for my first class. But there was a lot of functional fitness going on in the weeks leading up to this time. Lots of weights and heavy things were lifted, built, and moved around, so maybe I started a little sooner? Let’s just officially say December 30th.
What brought you to CrossFit?
Well I used to be into cars and needed a new outlet. When Mike brought the idea of CrossFit to me, I had no choice but to go with it. I am a building after all and kind of had to do what Mike said, but so far I’m really into it.
What have you learned from doing CrossFit?
You people are awesome. It doesn’t take long to see why you guys come together and do these workouts. If I wasn’t a building, I’d want to take a class too.
What would you say to someone who is on the fence about starting CrossFit?
My doors are open. Walk through them and the people here will take good care of you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never exercised before or if you’re just looking for something different. I have so much room for activities. Come in and check it out.
What do you like to do in your free time?
When I’m not being constructed or hosting CrossFit classes, I like to practice meditation. I stand quietly and try to be present as much as possible. Standing quietly is actually something that comes naturally to me for some reason.
What do you do for work and how has CrossFit impacted how you do your job?
I am the new home for BTSCF, so for work I host CrossFit classes. I keep the equipment and athletes safe from the outside elements which I take very seriously. CrossFit has given me new purpose. Before starting, I was just sitting there for a little bit, but now I feel so rejuvenated.
It wouldn’t be a feature profile without a lightning round. So here we go…
Q: What super power would you give yourself?
A: Impenetrability.
Q: What's your favorite healthy food?
A: Sunlight - not really a food, but Vitamin D is important.
Q: What's your favorite not so healthy food?
A: Chalk Dust. Normally I wouldn’t think this is a food either but I’ve heard CrossFitters put chalk on everything.
Q: What TV Sitcom family or group would you be a member of?
A: Cheers. Since I’m a building I kind of aspire to be like that bar. I want to give people a chance to get away from their worries for a little bit and be a place where everyone knows everyone’s name.
Q: If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
A: For being the best building that offers a fun, caring, motivating, and inclusive environment that helps improve the life quality of the athletes here.
Q: If you could write your own fortune cookie fortune, what would it say?
A: “One must have first of all, a solid foundation” -Sri Aurobindo
Q: If you were a professional wrestler, what would you finishing move be called?
A: The Echo. Why? I saw the Echo bikes roll in and I don’t think there could be anything worse than that. Also, sound travels well within me.
Q: Who do you look up to for inspiration at BTSCF?
A: In my unique circumstance, I don’t think “up” is the correct direction to look if I’m being completely literal. It would be look in toward. That being said, I would say everyone. They show up, they put in the work and they give me purpose.
Q: What is your favorite and least favorite movement?
A: Favorite - that BTSCF moved into me. Least - haven’t figured that out yet.
Q: What is the one thing you've done at BTSCF that your old self wouldn't ever believe?
A: Completely transform into a functional gym space in under a month. I hear CrossFitters like to move fast and be efficient so I guess I had to live up to that and get ready fast.