BTSCF Newsletter - August 2023
The summer is going to be in the rearview and the kids are back to school. But that doesn’t mean the fun will end. Check out what’s going on at BTSCF!
In Case You Missed It
Earlier this month, we took a look at The CrossFit Ethos. Check out the full article here.
During our Whiteboard briefs, we have been highlighting our Committed Club. To join the club, you simply need to complete 16 active days in a month and record your results in SugarWod. Once you’re in the club, you have a chance to win a prize!
We have also been talking about Port Jervis’ Fall Foliage Festival. We will have a booth. Stop by and see us!
Bring A Friend Week
Do you have a friend who you think will love CrossFit as much as you do? Bring them with you for free during Bring A Friend Week. If they decide to sign up for a membership, both you and your friend can take advantage of our referral program.
Bring A Friend Week starts September 20th and runs through September 27th. Who will you bring?
Recipe of the Month
Baked Wild Sockeye Salmon
Wild caught salmon is healthier and typically has less harmful contaminants than farm raised salmon. The flesh will look a darker pink to red color than farmed salmon which tends to look more orange in color. You can find it fresh at fish markets and frozen in your local grocery store.
Salmon Recipe:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the salmon in a baking pan and drizzle a small amount of olive oil over the salmon and add a pinch of coarse salt (sea salt works nice) and ground black pepper. Bake uncovered for approximately 20 to 25 minutes until cooked to your liking.
Citrus Vinaigrette Recipe:
1 Cup Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
½ Cup Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice
1 Cup Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Fresh Garlic
½ Sweet Pepper
½ Red Onion
1 Green Scallion
3 sprigs Fresh Parsley
1 TSP Fresh thyme
1 TSP Salt
½ Tsp Ground Black Pepper
Place All ingredients in a blender except oil. Blend until all ingredients are well chopped then add oil slowly to emulsify. Dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for 6 months.
Kale Salad with Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers in a Citrus Vinaigrette Recipe:
Wash and chop kale and the leftover peppers and onions from the dressing recipe; add cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.
Grocery List:
1 Sweet Pepper
1 Red Onion
1 Green Scallion
Fresh Parsley
Fresh thyme
Salt (Coarse Grain or sea salt)
Ground Black Pepper
Salmon Filets
12 whole limes*
4 - 6 Juicing Oranges*
Olive Oil
Fresh Kale
Cherry Tomatoes
*You may substitute fresh squeezed juice only to be certain to check the ingredients list and make sure its 100% juice, not from concentrate and with no other ingredients added.
BTSCF Feature Athlete
Meet Susan Clader
When did you start CrossFitting?
What brought you to CrossFit?
I have been working out since I was 18 results were slowing down, needed something different that will keep me moving into my 80’s heard about the functional fitness aspect and it made sense to me.
What have you learned from doing CrossFit?
I am stronger than I thought
What would you say to someone who is on the fence about starting CrossFit?
You owe it to yourself, no one else is going to get you fit and healthy but you, so just start you will not regret it.
What do you like to do in your free time?
RV’ing and spending time with grandkids, being home on the porch.
What do you do for work and how has CrossFit impacted how you do your job?
I work for the PA State Police. CF keeps me in shape which makes me a better/happier person and more attentive to the needs/schedule of the troopers.
We asked Susan some lightning round questions, here’s what she had to say:
Q: What super power would you give yourself?
A: Mind reader
Q: What's your favorite healthy food?
A: Steak
Q: What's your favorite not so healthy food?
A: Real fresh Italian bread and wine.
Q: What TV Sitcom family or group would you be a member of?
A: Friends
Q: If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
A: Raising good kids.
Q: If you could write your own fortune cookie fortune, what would it say?
A: Surround yourself with good happy people and you will be a good happy person.
Q: If you were a professional wrestler, what would you finishing move be called?
A: The Suze
Q: Who do you look up to for inspiration at BTSCF?
A: All the strong ladies.
Q: What is your favorite and least favorite movement?
A: Favorite, Back squat. Least favorite, OHS.
Q: What is the one thing you've done at BTSCF that your old self wouldn't ever believe?
A: Getting up consistently 5 days a week at 4:01am for the past two years.