BTSCF Newsletter - January 2020
A new year brings a chance to reset and get back on track after a busy holiday season. Our athletes are working hard to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Check out what is going on at BTSCF
A Focus on Nutrition
Living an active lifestyle with a quality exercise program is an important step to building and maintaining healthy habits. This goes hand in hand with nutrition. All of the work our athletes do in the gym can be enhanced or hindered by what they eat.
Basic Nutrition and Fitness
On January 11, 2020, BTSCF Owner Mike Simmons visited the Pike County Public Library in Milford to deliver a seminar on basic nutrition. Mike covered a number of topics to help those who attended gain a better understanding of the value of balancing the quality and quantity of the foods they consume.
Nutrition Challenge
To help add some fun and give our athletes the opportunity learn more about nutrition first hand, BTSCF will be holding a nutrition challenge beginning on 3/2. The challenge will be 4 weeks. There will be many exciting details to come in the near future. Stay tuned!
Masters Arctic Blast Competition
From Left: Robb Ruiz, Johnny Montana, Walt Albro, Sean Addy, Kevin Mesnick, and Mike Simmons
There were 3 teams of BTSCF athletes that competed in the Masters Arctic Blast hosted by Central Bucks CrossFit. On January 25, Johnny Montana, Robb Ruiz, Kevin Mesnick, Mike Simmons, Sean Addy, and Walt Albro went down to Warminster, PA to test themselves against some great competition. They learned a lot and had a great time.
Goals Week
We started off the new year talking to our athletes about establishing their goals for the year. For some, it may be losing weight. Others are looking for their first pull up or muscle up. Everyone is looking to get something out of our program and it is our goal to help them get there. We have asked our athletes to record their goals on a board in the gym, on paper, or in their phones. Our trainers will then provide progressions and tips. We cannot wait to see what our athletes are capable of in a year!
December PR’s
Looking to close the year out on a high note, our athletes continued to earn more personal records.
Jon H. - 145 lb. Push Press, 135 lb. Snatch, 185 lb. Clean & Jerk
Jeanne - 6 Strict Pull-Ups, 80 lb. Thruster
Jon T. - 165 lb. Snatch, 275 lb. Clean, 255 lb. Clean & Jerk
Shawn F. - 225 lb. Clean & Jerk, 165 lb. Snatch
Erin S. - 135 lb. Hang Power Clean, 120 lb. Push Press
Jess F. - 75 lb. Snatch, 115 lb. Clean & Jerk
Heather - 103 lb. Strict Press, 95 lb. Snatch
Mike S. - 185 lb. Overhead Squat
Kristine G. - Knees to Chest, 25 lb. Kettlebell Swing
Melissa - Ran a 5K 45:01
Darci - 75 lb. Snatch, 120 & Clean & Jerk
Paulie - 160 lb. Power Snatch, 280 lb. Front Squat, 205 lb. Clean
Nicky - 221 lb. Deadlift
Kate F. - 90 lb. Power Snatch, 120 lb. Clean & Jerk
BTSCF Feature Athlete
Meet Bryan Tormey: Defeating the ‘I Can’t’ Mentality
BTSCF Feature Athlete Bryan Tormey working on his power snatch technique.
As a youth baseball coach Bryan Tormey was looking for a way to help his travel team build their aerobic capacity and develop strength. He decided to steer the team toward Burn the Ships CrossFit. As the kids on the team began training, the parents were offered the opportunity to train with them. On September 17, 2019 Bryan decided to take advantage of the opportunity. After getting started, Bryan quickly discovered that he really enjoyed it and has continued to stick with it.
BTSCF owner Mike Simmons shared, “when the baseball team joined, we gave the opportunity to their parents to join and workout with them. Bryan was enthusiastic to jump in. He has stuck with it and works hard every time he steps foot in the gym.” CrossFit is a fitness program that is mentally challenging. Working out with your peers helps support and push you to expand your comfort zone and grow. For the most part when Bryan comes to the box, his class is usually just himself and a number of kids on the baseball team. Not having other athletes in your class in a similar place in their fitness journey means you have to be even more mentally tough. You don’t have the same competitive experience that helps push you. Bryan doesn’t shy away from the challenge.
Bryan has said he has learned so much about himself. He discovered how much his mentality has an impact on his workout and what he is able to accomplish. “I’ve learned to overcome the ‘I can’t’ mentality. I can push myself further than I ever imagined,” Bryan told us. Bryan has also learned about the family atmosphere at BTSCF and finds the support from the other athletes and the coaches to be amazing.
Since joining Bryan has noticed huge improvements in his strength, endurance, and his appearance. He admits he has also become a bit addicted, looking forward to workouts and the awesome feeling he has after completing the workouts. To anyone on the fence about giving it a shot, Bryan would say CrossFit really works, that they should just do it and give it a shot. The great coaches at BTS will teach you how to perform the movements safely.
Bryan is a sergeant with the State Police and has found that he’s definitely in better shape to do his job. An added bonus he says, “my uniform fits better!” In his free time, Bryan enjoys coaching his son’s travel baseball team.
We hit Bryan with some rapid fire questions. Here’s what he had to say:
Q: What super power would you give yourself?
A: Unlimited energy
Q: What's your favorite healthy food?
A: Corn, onion and tomato fresh salsa
Q: What's your favorite not so healthy food?
A: Pizza
Q: What TV Sitcom family or group would you be a member of?
A: Everybody Loves Raymond
Q: If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
A: I have no idea.
Q: If you could write your own fortune cookie fortune, what would it say?
A: Just keep going.
Q: If you were a professional wrestler, what would you finishing move be called?
A: The Torminator
Q: Who do you look up to for inspiration at BTSCF?
A: Kevin and Bub Mesnick. Seeing the intensity and commitment from both of them, makes me want that for me and my son.
Q: What is your favorite and least favorite movement?
A: Favorite is squats and deadlifts. Least favorite is burpees or that darn bike.
Q: What is the one thing you've done at BTSCF that your old self wouldn't ever believe?
A: Rope climb and eating healthier.
Hack Your WOD: The Assault Bike
The assault bike is a fantastic piece of equipment to build capacity. It is also the piece of equipment that everybody loves to hate. Check out this quick video to help you get the most out of the bike: