BTSCF Newsletter - February 2020
Big games, Valentine’s Day, and PR’s…BTSCF Athletes had plenty to celebrate in February. Check out all of the great things happening at Burn the Ships CrossFit this month.
Big Time Game - Big Time Partner Workout
BTSCF members kicked off the month celebrating the big game with a football game themed WOD. The partner workout was split into quarters with four different couplets.
Athletes Ben M. and Regi C. partnered for this football themed partner workout.
It was a great Sunday morning and an awesome way to get the big game celebrations started.
The workout was:
Teams of 2 (Each partner must complete an entire round before switching)
1st Quarter
7 KB Swings 50/35
7 KB Goblet Squats
1 Minute of Rest
BTSCF Athletes participating in our big game inspired partner workout.
2nd Quarter
7 Push Ups
7 Ab Mat Sit ups
Half time 4 Minutes Rest
BTSCF Athlete Emilee S. moving a barbell. We know which team she was rooting for in the big game.
3rd Quarter
7 Power Cleans 115/75
7 Shoulder to overhead 115/75
1 Minute Rest
4th Quarter
7 Wall Balls 20/14
7 Burpees
“Love is a Battlefield” - Valentine’s Day Partner WOD
On Valentine’s Day we invited our members to bring their significant other or best friend to share the love with a partner workout. This workout was created by member Jayson P. Great job putting this one together Jayson!
The workout, named by Jayson “Love is a Battlefield” was:
Buy In - 14 Air Squats (Each)
DB Push Press (50/35)
1 Min Rest
Buy In - 14 AbMat Sit-ups (Each)
Wallballs (20/14)
1 Min Rest
Buy In - 14 KB Swings (53/35) (Each)
Box Jumps (24”/20”)
1 Min Rest
Buy In - 14 KB Lunges (53/35) (Each)
January PR’s
A big congratulations to our athletes who earned new PR’s! Keep up the great work!
Jon H. - 46 Unbroken DU’s
Johnny M. - 275 lb. Front Squat, 335 lb. Deadlift x 4, 225 lb. Clean
Jess F. - 165 lb. Back Squat x 3
Sue - 123 lb. Back Squat x 3
Jenn K. - 135 lb. Pausing Front Squat Complex
Cathy - 100 lb. Power Clean & Jerk
Erin - 100 lb. Power Clean & Jerk
Kate F. - 135 lb. Pausing Front Squat Complex
Benny - 225 lb. Back Squat x 3
Heather - 165 lb. Pausing Front Squat Complex, 195 lb. Back Squat x 3, 120 lb. Bench Press
Danielle - 193 lb. Back Squat x 3
Rose - 185 lb. Pausing Front Squat Complex
Kristine G. - 55 lb. Power Clean & Jerk, 118 lb. Back Squat
Bob K. - 140 lb. Power Clean
Jon T. - 155 lb. Hang Power Snatch x 3 in WOD
John G. - 215 lb. Back Squat x 3
Sandy - 103 lb. Back Squat x 3
The 800g Challenge is Here!
Are you signed up? You may sign up through 3/1 and the challenge begins on Monday, 3/2 and goes for 30 days. The 800g Challenge is a low barrier for entry nutrition challenge. You can eat anything you want! All you have to do is weigh your fruits and vegetables and eat 800g of them per day. Beyond that, eat what you want.
The challenge will be scored in SugarWOD and there are some great prizes at the end!
There will be a member meeting after OLY class (about 11:30 am) on Sunday 3/1 to talk about the challenge, the rules, and answering any questions you might have. Not signed up? No problem, come to the meeting and then decide.
BTSCF Feature Athlete
Meet Kristen Moeller: Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
BTSCF Feature Athlete Kristen M. performing deadlifts as part of a fun team workout.
Kristen Moeller was living in California when she found out her mother was ill and made the decision to move back to the east coast. Upon coming back, she realized that she wasn’t eating well, exercising, and found stress was keeping her up at night. Her best friend was encouraging her to join a gym to help herself feel better, but Kristen put it off. Ultimately, she decided she needed to make a change and began researching gyms in the area and found Burn the Ships CrossFit. In December 2019 Kristen began her CrossFit journey, knowing that to make a real change, she needed to feel accountable for her attendance and effort.
When she first started, Kristen admits that she was guilty of comparing herself to others way too much. She saw other members who were half or twice her age that were stronger and faster. She found herself thinking that she wouldn’t ever be able to do what the other athletes were doing and felt like she was behind everyone else. Movements looked difficult and Kristen was afraid of hurting herself or someone else.
Kristen began to become more comfortable being uncomfortable. She began learning that the athletes she felt behind have been doing CrossFit for a while. She also learned that there is always a coach watching to make sure she is doing the right thing. She also has appreciated when other athletes offer advice when she is struggling with something. BTSCF Owner, Heather Simmons said “Kristen asks questions and listens closely to learn from her trainers and fellow athletes.” This has helped center Kristen, recognizing that her CrossFit journey is a process and patience is important to making progress. “Her patience with herself in learning new movements and skills is an asset as she takes her journey towards health and fitness,” added Simmons.
Kristen has also found that she is learning to love the growing pains and soreness. She knows it is her effort that is making positive changes to her body. She has also learned that it is important to have the discipline to get into the box and work hard on herself, even when life is crazy, saying “When we take care of ourselves, we can care better for others.”
BTSCF Feature Athlete Kristen M. on the Concept2 Rower.
Outside of the box, Kristen is a nursing supervisor in a hospital. She has found that CrossFit has benefited her in performing her duties at work where she often may need to lift patients, transport heavy equipment, or sometimes performing physically strenuous CPR.
In her spare time, Kristen’s favorite place to be is in the woods. She loves hiking, jet skiing, and four wheeling. During winter months Kristen likes to refurbish furniture, target shoot, and spend hours in antique shops.
We asked Kristen some rapid fire questions, here is what she had to say:
Q: What super power would you give yourself?
A: Healing Powers
Q: What is your favorite healthy food?
A: Vegan Kale Caesar Salad with Chickpea “croutons”
Q: What is your favorite not so healthy food?
A: In-N-Out Animal Style Cheeseburger and Fries
Q: What TV Sitcom family or group would you be a member of?
A: I’m embarrassed to say I don’t watch any sitcoms. How un-American!
Q: If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
A: Probably for starring in a show about interior design or organization.
Q: If you could write your own fortune cookie fortune, what would it say?
A: Stop eating Chinese food. It’s almost bikini season.
Q: If you were a professional wrestler, what would your finishing move be called?
A: The Bend and Snap
Q: Who do you look up to for inspiration at BTSCF?
A: Everyone is so wonderful and helpful. Joanna cheered me on while testing my one rep maxs and I pushed myself a lot harder with her support than I would have on my own. She always reminds me my limits are just in my head.
Q: What is your favorite and least favorite movement?
A: Least, I like all of them, but the assault bike can heck off. Favorite is the deadlift. (It makes me feel the strongest.)
Q: What is something you’ve done at BTSCF that you wouldn’t have believed?
A: Honestly every time I get through a WOD I’m proud of myself. I couldn’t have done most of what I’m doing now two months ago.
Q: What would you say to someone who is on the fence about starting CrossFit?
A: I’ve had this discussion with a few people and I always say to just do it. Don’t be intimidated. Everyone starts somewhere but as long as you put in the work, progress is inevitable. Feeling yourself getting stronger over weeks and months is so rewarding.
Hack Your WOD
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
There are movements that we all want to become better at performing. Regardless of the goal, it will take practice. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to improve your gymnastics, lift heavier, or become better on the bike, the only way to succeed is to practice.
The other fact is that it is very hard to practice within a Metcon. Metcons are designed to improve your strength and conditioning by asking your body to perform physical tasks under load and duress. Your heart rate is high, you’re breathing heavy, and you’re moving quickly. This has proven to be a great solution to improve your overall health and fitness level. But practicing a specific movement to increase proficiency? That’s what Open Gym is for.
Open Gym is a great way to dedicate time to develop and improve your skills and technique. There is always at least one trainer in the gym during Open Gym. While they may be primarily focused on running a class, they are there to help you also. Talk to a trainer about your goal and what you’re working on. There are many tips and drills they can give you to practice. Use Open Gym time to practice your lifts, replacing the barbell with a PVC. For gymnastics movements you can work on your mobility, strengthening your core, and breaking down movements into pieces.
Open Gym is a tool available to you. Use it effectively and your Metcons will improve as you attack them with more confidence and a higher level of skill. Ask a trainer or check our class schedule for Open Gym times.